Friday, May 04, 2012

"Confucius" Stikes At 12 MN

I should have posted this 9 hours ago, but thanks to my phone who won't allow me to do so. Glad to have Twitlonger, though (was able to post it there so I can transfer this thing from my blog. :D)

I opened the Bible, let my fingers point certain part and voila [!], "Do not rely on riches wrongfully acquired fot they will of no use to you the day of wrath." - It's not as related as expected, but is somehow with.. Well, money. Galing, noh?

I let my fingers go thru another page, and the first one second one went this way: "I find woman more bitter than death. She is a pitfall; her heart is a snare and her arms, chains. He who pleases God will escape from her, but the sinner will be caught." I find this one not really related with the current, so I consider the upper verse of Ecclesiastes 7:25 which is...

"I set myself in all earnestness to know, study and pursue wisdom and reason, so I saw that wickedness is folly, and foolishness, stupidity." - This one kind of suit me - though again, not "verbatim" or simply just the topic of it.

I still find it "swak". Ulit, ang galing lang. Yet, is it really for me? It was 3 days ago when I finished that letter, never thought I would do so, or have the wisdom and courage to make one - but I did. I have and conquered. So yeah, it was 3 days ago (until 2 hours ago?) that I felt "confident" with the outcome. But it was also that 2 hours leaving me to think of the "importance" of money and of that controversial what-you-want-to-do-in-life.

Someday, won't be even just a secondary.

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