What have I been up to lately? If you have read my previous posts,
I've been "quite" addicted to movies, Korean to be exact. How can I not?
There movies are top-of-the line! Well, if you're after romance and a
tear-jerker. I've been introduced to this era by my brother, back in
highschool. But I can't say that I was so into it then. My inclination
then was sporadic; however recent I had was momentum-like. Just what I
did when I reviewed for board exam, just what Sir Jerome of Pentagon
said, "Keep the momentum." Just what I'm doing now. Thoughts. Writing.
Anyway, I'm weeks over with it. The next thing I drooled on was
cosmetics! This was just few of those times that I spent time researching
what would fit me. But when I say cosmetics, it isn't make-up like
mascara, eyeliner, eyebrow, etc. What I meant was about facial cream, facial
wash, moisturizer, and the like. I'm yet to have a review 'till I have
those things I have mentioned not. (Ano daw?)
I was just looking for a running shoes on a Wednesday night, and lucky to have found one of my old buddies. Another interesting, it's still alive and still good on my feet. I hurriedly showed it to my cousins and a friendly neighbor of us invited me to jog that very night. Like a swift. I'm a yes person that night. It was around 8pm, jog place was vicinities of MalacaƱan. To be honest with you, it's my first to do it, aside from school activities. And boy, it's relaxing! Though I had a hard time at first. I was catching my breath the whole time. I stopped a lot. Walked a lot. Rest a lot. But it's over-all fun and healthy. Plus, the area is safe and I'm guessing a heap of jogger also go there. I've seen some. Bikers, joggers, runners. And... it's a great deal thing. Ya know.. HAHA. *make a familiar expression here* Btw, I've done it on purpose. I'm conditioning my body for the Outbreak. Sadly, we ran out of slots. Still, I would continue this one. Exercise produces endorphins, which is a happy hormone, thereby doing a combo with my neurotransmitter, serotonin, which will then boost my good mood. What did I just say? Haha.
And, and.. Felt like I left my soul in the trip that my
friends and I had. I'm quite not sure though where I left it. I'm gonna
[sic] go find it soon.
So fourth place was for... travel. :D
I'll share two of my to-go-list (Kind of long. Don't want to share it 'cause it's really sure yet. Yeah. What excitement at the moment does) for this year. It's La Union and Zambales. It's a surprise reading over must-sees in La Union. Why? I've been there a few times but never had the chance to explore not even one of those hidden beauty. It could be because I was too naive before. What I only know is that the place is known for surfing. Backdrop is, I don't know how. So I quit the thought of putting it in my bucketlist (lol. Wala pa naman akong nagagawang bucketlist.)
Traveling is addicting. I told myself that I need to search and find the treasures of our dear country. Foreigners do, why can't I? Why can't we, right? I've wanted this ever since. If money isn't a problem, you can't bet where to find me. Hahaha. Well, it still is a problem. Fortunately, there are plenty of Pinoy traveler's blogs. Their adventures and stories are motivating and at the same time drooling. Gone were the days of clubbing, partying, blah, blah. The new way (for me) to enjoy life is fun IN adventure ;)
BUT, first things first. I need to earn. I need to start from the basic
and reconcile with the degree I had finished. Not going further. Will
reserve another entry for this drama and other work plans. Hoho
While the winner and the fifth obsession goes to photography! Too bad, only now that I don't have my camera. I lend it to my Kuya so he can at least spare good time during his offs. We also have an agreement he'll buy me another cam, or he'll return it by August. So I hope there won't be good events to be missed during that time.
Okay, a short story. Reason why I bought a camera was it amaze me seeing good photographs, and of course, to have good photos of me, too. But I think the main push was 'cause my brother's a hobbyist, therefore I can have a good grasps of the former part I've said.
After he went to work abroad, my camera slept for a long while. I don't even touch it. Then I doubted why I have one. Came my Uncle's meetings, right then, I discerned I need to practice what my brother taught me. My first shots were a messed. I can take a considerable photo in daylight, but comes with night was so not.
While the winner and the fifth obsession goes to photography! Too bad, only now that I don't have my camera. I lend it to my Kuya so he can at least spare good time during his offs. We also have an agreement he'll buy me another cam, or he'll return it by August. So I hope there won't be good events to be missed during that time.
Okay, a short story. Reason why I bought a camera was it amaze me seeing good photographs, and of course, to have good photos of me, too. But I think the main push was 'cause my brother's a hobbyist, therefore I can have a good grasps of the former part I've said.
After he went to work abroad, my camera slept for a long while. I don't even touch it. Then I doubted why I have one. Came my Uncle's meetings, right then, I discerned I need to practice what my brother taught me. My first shots were a messed. I can take a considerable photo in daylight, but comes with night was so not.
Never have I thought that I'll be this interested in photography. I'd prefer posing for a picture than taking it. Cameras are complicated. I don't have the eye for a good angles and photos. It was a no-no for me then. I took photos not thinking if it's good or not. Simply, point and shoot. But now seems different. Or is it just a spur of the moment? I'm not sure.
The other night (July 4th), I was browsing about Zambales when I stumbled on blog which have good photos (often time I see one), however what stands most on that particular site was the gear she's using. It suddenly reminded me of my Kapatid. He used to bring out the beauty of a point-and-shoot camera.
Since SLR is quite bulky for me, I decide that I'd agree on what my Kuya said. That he will exchange my gear to micro 4/3. I was too lazy to google it before. But that night, I read and watched a few of its reviews. I itched for more of its details. Then morning after, I continued my research. To my dismay, I have yet to see photos that would make my jaws drop. Sure, photos are really good. But there's something missing (Akala mo pro. Haha. But seriously there is, At least for my eyes.). I can't judge micro 4/3 because I myself haven't used it. I've seen photos taken from professionals on those two beloved cameras. And this is coming from my point of view. I read from some of the reviews, it somehow goes like this, "Micro 4/3 is okay. I am happy after I took photos. But when I get home and compare the shots from my SLR, it saddens me."
Of my desperation to see photos that would most likely be comparable to SLR shots, I google-d for more. Very fortunately, I bumped on techniques for my soon-to-be passion. *clap clap* I need to stop from here 'cause I have yet to start. I'm talking to much of it, that I'm afraid I might disappoint myself, and you? Ha! Ha! Okay, I've been hypnotized by photograph.
"May SLR ka nga 'di ka naman marunong kumuha. Wala din," or "'Wag ka gagaya sa may mga SLR nga pero di naman marunong gumamit." Not verbatim. That's what my brother told me. Mean ba? Ganyan siya eh. Haha! The first moment I started taking pictures naisip ko 'yun nasabi niya. But again, I'm neither amateur nor hobbyist, nor novice. I'm just a girl (not an ordinary hahaha).
Allow me to share some are of my shots. Be warned that there's a lot of image noise. What I only used were shutter speed and ISO ('yan lang na-recall ko na tinuro ni Kuya). Not all the basic ones. Yes, I'm missing on sharpness and other flaws.

There. It rings true talaga in the saying, "Experience is the best teacher." I learned some along the meetings and our trip (to follow entry), and will still be learning more. Nako I must stop. I should cross the bridge when I get there. Lol
And now that I know where to find good travel and good photography blogs, I'm so excited to dig more about this said craft. Sadly not for now, but I wish it's going to be soonest. Can't wait for August! Ciao! :)
P.S. 2-day late post. Reasons: Router, lazy butt, "clickable" photos.
P.S.S. Apologies for grammar lapses. Lazy butt doesn't want to proofread it.
ang dame mong tawa.. mga 91 haha! in-edit mo ba mga pictures na yan? :)
ReplyDeletemo? you mean, ako o ikaw? :) yung may vignette part lang :)